
Why this analysis is for me, the most important ?

Firstly, the impact of colors hold important influence on you and your mood and general well-being. 

That’s why we encourage our clients to wear a variety of colors, even more so in the winter months, when the sun is hidden.
Wearing suitable colors will make you look more alive and bring out your inner glow.

The colors can have an incredible effect on your face, make up, haircut and on your overall body shape and morphology.

We’ll advise you on the impact that colors can have. 

This is so enriching !

We’ll also teach you how you can use them and be able to mix and match the different colors easily between them in your wardrobe.

How does it work ?

After the first assessment of your skin color, natural hair color and eyes color, we’ll do a draping color test to define which colors are suitable for you. 
The selected colors will ensure you achieve a look that is radiant and shining.

A color analysis is an investment in you and image. 
If you look good, you’ll feel good. You will project a positive image that others will pick up on and reflect back to you

The benefits :

Saving time while shopping : You select directly the clothes that match what we have recorded on your color palette profile. 

Money Saving: You will maximize your clothing budget with quality and reliable wardrobe selections

Boosting Confidence:  You’ll feel attractive and confident about the image that you reflect. 

Saving time getting ready each day: You’ll save time when choosing your daily outfit from your wardrobe.


Great style for everyone

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Please contact us with any questions. We will be happy to talk to you about your personal situation and possible solutions !

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