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Body Analysis


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Why ‘Body Analysis’ will help you in your life ?

All of us have a different body shapes and morphology .​

This creates a problem where selective cuts and materials of certain clothing won’t suit us and our body type.​

That’s why Body Analysis is so important, and we place detailed attention to it for each of our clients.​

Knowing your body shape/morphology will help you in choosing the perfect trouser cut, ideal skirt length, selecting perfect style and cut of jackets and blouses according to your shoulders.

We’ll educate you in understanding the proportions of your body shape and how rebalancing your wardrobe choices accordingly.

The benefits :

Gaining knowledge of your body shape/morphology to provide :

Extra confidence about your choices during shopping

Save money ensuring that clothing will suit you perfectly.

Save your time in your wardrobe when choosing your daily outfit.

Be proud of your reflection in the mirror. 


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